The Book Of Mormon
A friend recommended going to see this as it was one of the funniest musicals he’d seen. I’m not a massive musical fan but really enjoyed this. The storyline was …
Throughout life there are many ups and downs and phenomenal experiences along the way.
A friend recommended going to see this as it was one of the funniest musicals he’d seen. I’m not a massive musical fan but really enjoyed this. The storyline was …
I got to celebrate my first Australia Day or “Straya” day as it’s probably better known out here. The mixed feelings for the day surprised me a little with “invasion …
I decided to go to the east shore to watch New Years Eve come in as I’d been working in the day and new near the bridge would be manic. …
Spending Christmas abroad is a funny experience; to some extent feeling like any other day but with the family not being around being more noticable. I spent Christmas Day walking …
I took a look at the carnivorous plans exhibit at the botanical gardens – I’d been looking forward to it for a while. It was a bit smaller than I …
One thing that everyone knows about the Aussies is that they love their sport. One weekend a few people decided to go down to watch the AFL and I couldn’t …
Vivid is a light and music festival in the city full of bright colours and interesting spectacles
I bought my first house on 28th January 2013 and had a very happy 5 years living there. The flat was a 2 bedroom flat in Bournemouth on Cavendish Road …
I’ve always thought that I would like abroad; even in secondary school I thought I’d end up working out of New York. After settling into a job and buying a …